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NDC Emissions Scenarios Infographic

GIZ German Cooperation

Dec, 2021

At Media Hit we specialize in creating impactful visual graphics that simplify the communication of technical information. A sample of our work is the infographic we designed for the GIZ, which addressed the review of NDC emission scenarios and proposed MRV for monitoring.

In the infographic, we present the results of a project that identified a portfolio of measures to reduce greenhouse gases in the transport sector in Colombia. In addition, we provide a detailed analysis of the proposed methodologies for MRV, as well as improvements in the information capture processes of the transport sector.

Es importante destacar que las gráficas visuales son una herramienta fundamental para transmitir información técnica de manera clara y sencilla, especialmente cuando se trata de temas complejos como el cambio climático y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.

At Media Hit, we work to ensure that our customers can communicate their messages in an effective and attractive manner, with the aim of generating a positive impact on society.

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