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Dr. Calderon Labs Web

Dr. Calderon Labs Web

Lead generation with a website that highlights agricultural innovation and environmental solutions for a Colombian agricultural development laboratory.
Iniciativa que Transforma la Caficultura

Initiative that Transforms Coffee Growing

Digital strategy that promotes specialty coffees and improves the commercial management of producers. We promote the growth and success of coffee growing.
Diseño de Anillos de Compromiso

Design of Engagement Rings

Custom engagement rings designed for Lirio production line, catalog and virtual store.
Happy, Café con CBD

Happy, Coffee with CBD

The narrative behind the launching of the new Colombian coffee with CBD.
TRACs, Reducción de Emisiones en Colombia

TRACs, Emission Reductions in Colombia

Audiovisual production that supports the understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the transportation sector in Colombia.
Creación de Branding y Comunicaciones OJDs

Creación de Branding y Comunicaciones OJDs

Javeriana and its communication strategy for the Observatory of Inequalities to understand inequalities as an economic, political and cultural challenge.
Reel de Seguridad en Emergencias

Emergency Safety Video-Reel

Video to assist collaborators and assistants in an auditorium to prepare and respond appropriately in case of an emergency.
Sostenibilidad del Transporte en Colombia

Sustainability of Transportation in Colombia

Audiovisual tool to raise awareness about the importance of decarbonization of the transport sector.
Diseño de Material de Branding

Branding Material Design

Branding Material for Coffee for Peace at Romania’s International Coffee Fair
Branding para Prema. Bienestar y Alivio Natural

Branding for Prema. Natural Wellness and Relief

Discover our visual identity proposal for Prema. This is how we connect with our target audience.
Infografía de Escenarios de emisiones de la NDC

NDC Emissions Scenarios Infographic

We simplify technical communication with powerful infographics on emissions reduction and MRV in the transport sector. Clear and effective communications.
Campaña Digital Firma de Abogados

Law Firm Digital Campaign

A meticulous focus on captivating content strategies, impactful images and videos, educating the public and strengthening the brand's image.
Campaña Digital para Consultora en la Industria del Café

Digital Campaign for Coffee Industry Consulting Firm

Complete and successful digital strategy with engaging content and paid campaigns that generate new clients for specialized coffee consultancies.
Diseño de Aceite de Flor de Cannabis

Cannabis Flower Oil Design

Standing out in the competitive cannabis oil market with new attractive and modern label designs.
Plan de 30 Días

30 Days Plan

Audiovisual educational material directed towards the sales force of the Zrii network marketing company.
17 Buenas Practicas para la Producción de Café

17 Good Practices for Coffee Production

Audiovisual educational plan aimed at Colombian coffee growers that cultivate specialty coffees.
Deluxe, Velas Premium

Deluxe, Premium Candles

Creation of a concept for candles with modern designs, intense aromas and long life.
Branding Book

Branding Book

Visual identity design for Coffee for Peace, an initiative to promote coffees in areas affected by illicit economies and armed conflicts.
Material de Ventas Lixine Linfático

Lixine Lymphatic Sales Material

Discover our experience in the branding project for Lixine, a natural lymphatic purifier. We boosted sales and trained internal agents.
Semillas de Cannabis

Cannabis Seeds

Creative product design solutions that have helped Genwell excel in the cannabis seed market.
Plasticombustibles, Diesel Ecológico

Plasticombustibles, Green Fuel

Audiovisual production for an ecological fuel production plant using recycled plastics.
Programa de Cadenas de Valor en la Industria del Café

Coffee Industry Value Chain Program

Educational program for coffee industry agents in Ethiopia through accessible and effective educational videos.
Recetas Especiales con Café

Special Coffee Recipes

Creation of a social media content campaign with simple and practical recipes using Troost specialty coffees.
Testimonio de Programa de Sustitución de Neveras

Refrigerator Replacement Program Testimonial

Discover how sustainable technology changes lives through the testimony of Damaris, a participant in the "You deserve your new fridge" program.
Diseño de Línea de Velas

Candle Line Design

Modern designs, unique colors. Strategic branding that generates trust and conversions in candle consumers.
Migración de Carga Terrestre a Fluvial, Río Magdalena

Inland to River Cargo Migration, Magdalena River

Audiovisual production on the migration from land to river transport on the Magdalena River to reduce CO2 emissions.
Estrategia Digital para Cafés de Especialidad

Digital Strategy for Specialty Coffee Shops

We boosted the image of this brand with effective communications that generated trust and loyalty, attracting new clients.
E-commerce para Velas con concepto Zodiacal

E-commerce for Candles with Zodiacal concept

Branding and web design of an intuitive and attractive platform for Velas del Zodiaco. Personalized horoscope and inbound campaigns. Multisensory experience in every purchase.
E-commerce para Cadena de Mobiliario

E-commerce for Furniture Chain

Discover how we created an impactful presence for Nikodeko Teka, a brand committed to quality and sustainability in their furniture. Explore their eCommerce!
Virtual Buyers Caravan

Virtual Buyers Caravan

The innovative selling method in the specialty coffee industry. Facilitating sales by six times the average market price.
Conversápolis, Ciudades Sostenibles

Conversapolis, Sustainable Cities

A space of conversation for the dissemination of projects that are revolutionizing cities in Colombia.
E-commerce con Experiencia Completa

E-commerce with Full Experience

Complete online experience, attractive product design and specialty coffee with an easy purchasing process.
Foro de Cafés Especiales

Specialty Coffees Forum

Virtual forum with coffee industry experts gathered to discuss trends and challenges.
Diseño de Logo

Logo Design

Logo and Look and Feel for Finca La Cabra, one of the best coffee farms in the world.
StarsUP, Historia del espacio

StarsUP, Space History

Animated illustrations as visual support for StarsUP event
Semana del Transporte y Cambio Climático

Transport and Climate Change Week

Solutions for sustainable transportation, climate change and gender equity at TCC Week.
Packaging Producto Tópico “KPH Biofilic Men”

Topical Product Packaging "KPH Biofilic Men"

Consistent and practical design for KPH Biofilic Men. We investigate the needs of men looking to promote hair growth.
MAPMUS, Mapeo de proyectos de Movilidad

MAPMUS, Mobility Projects Mapping

Discover the communication strategy developed for MAPMUS, the mapping tool for mobility projects in LAC.
Grand Cru Burundi, Subasta de Cafés Especiales

Grand Cru Burundi, Specialty Coffee Auction

Complete marketing campaign for the first private online auction of specialty coffees in Burundi. Raising funds to improve the infrastructure of coffee farmers.
Contenido para Concierto

Concert Audiovisual Content

Creation of visual content for live show of popular music.
Capacitación en Refrigeradores y Medio Ambiente

Refrigerator and Environmental Training

Video reel of an eco-friendly refrigerator repair and maintenance workshop.
Connect, Convención Regional

Connect, Regional Convention

Audiovisual experience, video coverage and technical support at Zebra's successful Connect event. This is how we generated impact with commercial activities.
Congreso de Doctrina Social de la Iglesia

Social Doctrine of the Church Congress

Audiovisual technical support at global congress. Exciting coverage of the DSI Congress.
Conversápolis – Recuperación verde incluyente en ciudades

Conversápolis – Recuperación verde incluyente en ciudades

Event production that seeks sustainable urban solutions for carbon footprint reduction.
Campaña Creativa de Reels

Reels Creative Campaign

Creative video campaign to generate clients for a law firm - innovation in a very formal market!
Grand Cru Burundi Web

Grand Cru Burundi Web

Interactive website designed for JNP Coffee's African specialty coffee auction.
Catálogo de Productos Ayurveda

Ayurveda Products Catalog

Explore the practical Zilis catalog with Ayurveda and CBD products. Attractive visual presentation and compelling content to highlight your products.
Camilo Cifuentes 2.0

Camilo Cifuentes 2.0

Virtual reality content for theater. More than 60 characters of Camilo Cifuentes together in a single show.
Transformando Desde lo Natural

Transforming from Nature

Implementation of technology on more than 20,000 hectares and education for more than 3,000 rubber producers in Colombia.
Guía Visual para Transformar Residuos Plásticos

Visual Guide to Transform Plastic Waste

Plasticombustibles booklet: a visually attractive guide to the process of transforming plastic waste into diesel.
Packaging Cafés de Especialidad

Specialty Coffees Packaging

Connect with the story behind every cup of coffee with this line of products from Troost Coffee.
Engage – La evolución de la educación

Engage – La evolución de la educación

Audiovisual production for an event that promotes the evolution of education in conjunction with international high schools around the world.
Campaña de Social Media para Café

Social Media Campaign for Coffee Industry

We maximize Aharon Coffee's social media presence with our digital strategy attracting new markets and standing out in the coffee world!
E-commerce para Cafés especiales Panameños

E-commerce for Panamanian Specialty Coffees

Immerse yourself in the beauty of Finca La Cabra. We developed its efficient e-commerce platform that allows you to explore and buy superior quality coffees.
Blüm Coffee, Creación de Marca y Producto

Blüm Coffee, Brand and Product Creation

Branding and product design for Blüm Coffee’s new special CBD organic coffee line.
Portafolio de Producto

Product Portfolio

Product portfolio for commercial support of executives and salespeople of candles and cand in National Chandlery.
Reel Corporativo

Corporate Reel

Corporate video of Dr. Calderon Laboratories, a leader in advanced agricultural research and analysis for healthy and sustainable crops.
Campaña de Contenidos – Productos CBD

Content Campaign - CBD Products

Discover how Zilis is leading the US medical cannabis market with its online presence and our digital campaign management expertise.
Lanzamiento de Seacret en Latinoamérica

Launch of Seacret in Latin America

Corporate presentation video for new market, highlighting product properties and business model of the company.
El Mejor Café del Cauca

Best of Cauca

Branding and audiovisual production for national coffee auction in Cauca, Colombia.
Inauguración Oficinas KfW

KfW Office Opening

KfW-Ipex Bank and DEG trusted Media Hit to create a unique and unforgettable business networking experience.
Campaña de Lanzamiento Observatorio de las Desigualdades

Inequalities Observatory Launch Campaign

The Javeriana's Observatory and Media Hit work together in the development of awareness campaigns to address inequalities in Colombia.
Campaña de Social Media para Velas

Campaña de Social Media para Velas

Complete experience with candles, horoscopes and music, developing an innovative social media campaign for Zodiac Candles.

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