Social Doctrine of the Church Congress

Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Council

Apr, 2023

The Third Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Social Doctrine, was an event that brought together hundreds of people of different ages and origins, all with the same motivation: reflect on the social implications of our world today.

There, we were providing the best audiovisual technical support in the simultaneous transmission of four streamings in different languages, covering the entire congress in real time.

Our team of experts ensured that at this unique event, the entire global community had the opportunity to be united around ideas and solutions for a more just and equitable world.

From the transmission to the massive post-production of all the workshops, talks and group work, we collaborated to make this Congress an incredible and inspiring experience.

We are committed to supporting events that foster discussion and dialogue to address the most pressing issues of our time. Thank you to all who were part of this Third Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Social Doctrine.

We look forward to working with you on your next event - together, we can make it an incredible success!

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